If you simply changed your mind or received a damaged product, we accept unopened product in re-salable condition within 30 days for a full refund. If you are not satisfied with any product you received that has been opened or used, we accept opened products within 30 days for a gift certificate to our store. Depending on if the item(s) have been opened or not, a full refund or gift certificate will be issued once the item is returned. If the item has been opened, we will issue a gift certificate provided that more than 50% of the product has not been used. If a product(s) have been damaged when received, we require a photo to be sent to us and/or we may ask for the item(s) to be sent back to us. Please note the following items CANNOT be returned: SALE items and TRIAL sizes, including skincare, perfume, lipstick samples and sample packets of any kind, NAIL POLISH, CANDLES and SOAP. Original shipping fees are not refunded and we do require that you pay shipping fees to mail all items back to us, unless it is a result of our error. We are not responsible for returned packages lost in transit. In the case of returning items that were purchased using a gift certificate, the portion of the order paid for by the gift certificate will be refunded by issuing a new gift certificate.
PLEASE NOTE: If returning items that were part of a special free gift with purchase promotion, the value of the gift with purchase will be deducted from your refund or store credit, unless the gift is returned with the other items. If the gift is returned, it should not be more than 50% used otherwise it will be deducted from your refund or store credit.
PLEASE NOTE: We will accept up to 3 returns per calendar year.
To return an item(s), please contact us at info@integritybotanicals.com or (973) 543-2826. Please provide your name, order number and items you wish to return. Upon submitting your request, we will review your return and provide you with a RMA#. We will not be able to process any returns without a RMA#. Please allow up to 1 week to process returns upon receiving back merchandise.
Please keep in mind we try to offer as many products as possible in trial and travel sizes so you can see if the product is right for you. We also offer 3 free samples with every order for a variety of products. If you are unsure about anything, please email or call us and we can help you decide, as we have tested out these products ourselves. We want you to be happy with your purchase decision and shopping with us to be hassle free.
For return questions/comments, please contact us at info@integritybotanicals.com
Please include a copy of your invoice and ship products to the following return address:
Integrity Botanicals Returns/ RMA#
59 Minebrook Rd
Suite 300
Bernardsville, NJ 07924